Vorstellung vom 06.12.2012

Video: Essen 2012 Neuheit: Card City (Ludibay)

Dank der großartigen Unterstützung von Simon, können wir euch das Spiel in deutsch vorstellen. Da Simon ein Kenner der Spieleszene ist bekommt man am Ende weitere Infos, viel Spaß!

Anbei die offiziellen englischen Infos:

In Card City, part of Alban Viard's "Small City" trilogy of games, you will take on the role of the newly sworn-in Mayor. Your job is to encourage the growth of the residential, commercial, industrial and cultural districts that make up your home and to satisfy the demands of the city's residents.

Card City includes six type of cards: Residences, Commercials, Industries, Leisure, Parking and City Hall. The game is divided into ten rounds, and each round consists of five phases:

1. Players gain two new buildings (i.e., two cards) through an "I cut, you choose" game mechanism.
2. Each player constructs the new buildings in his city according to zoning laws.
3. When the environment is favorable, residential and commercial districts attract new citizens, and the cities begin to evolve.
4. Players earn money from their city thanks to their commercial districts.
5. The first player position changes.

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