Day Night Z - Kickstarter

Brettspiel News   |   Mo. 16.01.2017, 13:18 Uhr   |   Jörg

Jetzt hat es mich doch erwischt und ich bin auch dabei, denn es könnte (gem. Update-Infos in der Kampagne) eine deutsche Version geben!
Zombicide ähnliche Thematik aber wirklich cool gemacht! Das ist Day Night Z, welches bereits finanziert ist.

Anbei noch die offiziellen Infos ansonsten schaut Euch einfach mal das kurze Video an.

DAYNIGHTZ™ is a tabletop board game with miniatures set on a zombie post-apocalyptic world. Unlike other zombie games, DAYNIGHTZ™ focuses heavily on survival and psychology, immersing you and your friends in a full “grimdark” experience. The survivors (be it on their own, or in a group of up to 4), will work their way through a complex campaign, where their decisions will determine their progress, culminating in one of three possible endings. Alternatively, the game can be played in “survival mode”: Survivors will roam from city to city, with the sole aim to survive the dangers they face…which is a tall order. 
In DAYNIGHTZ™ you’ll be able to experience all the aspects of the survival in a zombie apocalypse, ranging from supply runs to the city to the maintenance and upgrading of your refuge. That way, you can stop the game at any point, and come back to it later. (Quelle: Kickstarter)

Quelle:  Kickstarter >Day Night Z

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