Risou no Natto (Ideal Natto)

Anzahl der Spieler:
3 bis 5 Spieler
30 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
Video: Essen 2016: Risou no Natto / Ideal Natto (Japon Brand)
Essen 2016: Risou no Natto / Ideal Natto (Japon Brand) from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
Prepare the Japanese delicacy natto perfectly to your taste and eat it while you can!
Do you know what natto is? Made from fermented soybeans and served on rice after being well stirred, natto is a quintessentially Japanese food indispensable to traditional breakfasts.
In the card game Ideal Natto, you mix the packets of natto on the table with different toppings like green onion and raw egg, stirring it multiple times until it is prepared just so. And then you must grab your favorite natto before someone else does!
This is a game of reading other players’ intensions and secretly setting your eyes on your “Ideal Natto” – eat the most delicious natto to win the game!
Ideal Natto is officially endorsed by the Japan Natto Cooperative Society Federation.
Video: Essen 2016: Risou no Natto / Ideal Natto (Japon Brand)
Essen 2016: Risou no Natto / Ideal Natto (Japon Brand) from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
Video: Essen 2016: NATTO - Das Essen - Eine kulinarische Videorezension
Essen 2016: NATTO - Das Essen - Eine kulinarische Videorezension from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
Brettspiele News
Essen 2016 Video - NATTO ("Kulinarische"-Rezension sowie Spielvorstellung)

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