Datensatz vom 10.10.2011
2019: The ARCTIC
- Brettspiel
- Erkundungsspiel
- Wirtschaftsspiel
- Kampfspiel
- Industrie- und Herstellung
- Verhandlung
- Krieg- und Eroberungsspiel
- Vielspielerspiel
- Science Fiction
- Gebiete erschließen
- Gebiete kontrollieren
- Set sammeln/einlösen
- Simulation
- Variable Phasen
- Worker-Placement
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
120 Minuten
Frei ab 12 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
"Canadian Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, in agreement with Russia, warned USA to “keep their hands off the Arctic.”
Despite the cover picture "2019: The Arctic" is an economic game, however some military aspect is also included. In the game, players manage mineral resource companies interested in exploration of the Arctic region. They aim to maximize their scores, expressed in points, by undertaking actions that give them specific benefits or weaken the position of competitors.
The path to gain advantage over the competition is on one hand the investment policy that will provide a variety of resources, and on the other - controlling a large quantity of deposits of the same type, which will allow to dominate in a given segment of raw materials industry.
The tool for achieving the goal and winning the game is shaping the internal and foreign policy of the Arctic region countries (Russia, Norway, the European Union, Canada, USA). In addition to that, China’s participation in the race for access to the Arctic resources is simulated in the game.
Players may use their political powers to obtain subsidies from a given country’s budget and to secure their investments in mining platforms built on the sea behind the scenes. However, the main axis of the gameplay is exerting direct influence upon the policies of the countries by a wide range of political and economical actions taken on their behalf.
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