Datensatz vom 08.08.2014
Eminent Domain: Microcosm
- Kartenspiel
- Deckbauspiele
- Vielspielerspiel
- Science Fiction
- Krieg- und Eroberungsspiel
- Crowdfunding Projekt
- Erweiterung eines Spiels
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 5 Spieler
60 Minuten
Frei ab 10 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
The galaxy just got a whole lot smaller...
Two mighty empires are about to collide. Play your cards right and become the ultimate ruler of this microcosm!
Eminent Domain: Microcosm is a quick-playing 2 player card game which brings you all the thrill of building a space empire in just 15-20 minutes. Each turn you'll first take a card into your hand from the supply, then you'll either play a card and carry out its instructions, or you'll pick up your discard pile to refill your hand.
Each card also has a scoring condition on it, and to win you'll want to maximize those conditions.
Like in the grandfather game (Eminent Domain), actions you take can be "boosted" by revealing other cards sharing the same icon. Colonize and attack planets, do research, and take advantage of politics to score the most influence by the end of the game!
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