The Mystery of Dattakamo

Anzahl der Spieler:
3 bis 12 Spieler
15-60 Minuten
Frei ab 5 Jahre
A long time ago, there was a civilization called "Dattakamo". In the old times when there was not a mammoth, the people who lived there had a high civilization enough to travel in space and the deep ocean. Their favorite thing was clay play. They enjoyed forming anything around them from clay: flowers, stars, the moon, the sun, submarines, spaceships, and so on. They lived happily, but a volcano erupted suddenly and the Dattakamo civilization was ruined.
Time went by and the works of people of the Dattakamo civilization were excavated and brought to the science academy. What were they? The earnest study by a doctor and the students begins...
The Mystery of Dattakamo is a communication game that uses the sense of touch and imagination. Players imagine what on earth an excavated article of the "Dattakamo" civilization might have been by using the sense of touch. It may have been a spaceship or a cactus. Imagine freely what it may have been. (In Japanese, "Dattakamo" means "What was it?")
To play, place all twelve clay pieces in the bag, then place the bag on the box. Decide who will be the doctor (the starting player); all other players are students and say "Sir" before asking the doctor any questions to show great respect. The doctor should talk with dignity.
The doctor puts their hand into the bag and touches the pieces, choosing one of them and imagining what it is by touch.
The Mystery of Dattakamo can be played with visually impaired people as the game is played solely through communication and the sense of touch.
Brettspiele News
Videovorschau und Rezension: The Mystery of Dattakamo (Japon Brand / minimalGames) - Essen 2015 Video

Dattakamo ist eine schon sehr lang vergessene Zivilisation die hoch entwickelt war. Sie fertigten viele Gegenstände an und aus heutiger Sicht ist es gar nicht einfach zu verstehen was diese darstellen....