Desperados of Dice Town

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
25 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
Video: Vorstellung: Prototyp Desperados of Dice Town (Matagot) - Nürnberg 2014
Vorstellung: Prototyp Desperados of Dice Town (Matagot) - Nürnberg 2014 from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
Desperados of Dice Town has the same setting as the Dice Town game from the same authors, but this is a prequel of sorts, with players now trying to free their fellow bandits from jail in order to do any number of ill-considered deeds. We'll figure that out later, though — first, let's free some desperadoes!
Each player has five desperadoes in jail at the start of the game, each with a different symbol on them. On a turn, you roll four dice up to three times, putting aside any dice you want to save. If you combine a "hit" with a symbol on a desperado, you rotate that desperado disc, moving him one step closer to freedom. Each desperado requires a different number of steps to reach freedom, and once free, when you hit that same desperado, he now robs money from the other players.
Certain dice combinations allow you to draw multiple bonus cards and choose one or two that you like, and if you skunk out and don't do anything else, you take the top card as compensation. The cards let you take special bonus actions like not paying opponents and using symbols in different ways.
Win by freeing all of your desperadoes before anyone else or by being the last one in the game.
Video: Vorstellung: Prototyp Desperados of Dice Town (Matagot) - Nürnberg 2014
Vorstellung: Prototyp Desperados of Dice Town (Matagot) - Nürnberg 2014 from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
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