
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler

45 Minuten

Frei ab 8 Jahre

Bestellen bei:

Z-Man Games Neuauflage erscheint 2016, das original Spiel erschien 2011 bei SandTimer.

In Aquarium, players want to win a contest challenging them to create the most beautiful aquarium. To achieve this, players try to get the best fish and plants to fill their aquarium, but having enough money is your main problem as in addition to buying fish and plants, you also need to buy food for your fishes so they can survive to the end of the game.

Your opponents will interfere with your plans by altering the specific fishes on sale as well as the price you'd have to pay for them. That said, they can also choose to grant you a favor so that they collect a bonus for themselves.

To win, give your opponents a little help at the right moment, but not too much – above all, try to interfere with their plans at the most critical moments.




Brettspiele News

Donnerstag 19.05.2016

Nürnberger Spielwarenmesse 2016: Aquarium (Z-Man Games) - Essen 2016

Nachricht von 18:31 Uhr, Smuker, - Kommentare

Der Verlag SandTimer entwickelte die Spiele "Clocks" und "Alarm!" und vor diesen zwei Spielen im Jahr 2011 das Kartenspiel Aquarium. Dieses wurde nun nochmal neu überarbeitet... ...

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