Datensatz vom 12.10.2014
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
15 Minuten
Frei ab 10 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
From the lands of sunrise to the lands of sunset, the world rings with the fame of Suleiman the Great, the man whose wisdom has no equal! He was granted many talents at birth, and he learned all kinds of secret knowledge during his long life. He became so powerful that he was even able to rule over the heavenly genies. They built cities and moved mountains at his command, for fear of his angry gas!
But man is mortal, and even the life of Suleiman must come to its end. Powerful genies scatter — some go to the Netherworld of Order, others to the Netherworld of Chaos — but the disciples of the great master remain, and they hope to subjugate the servants of their master again. Each of them has created carpets filled with secret magic and sent them out to gather the scattered genies.
Your goal in Ifrito is to be the first player to capture nine of his opponent's genies or three of his opponent's carpets. During your turn, a player must take one of the following actions: bring a new carpet into play, move one of your carpets on the game board space, or capture an opponent's carpet along with all the genies sitting on it.
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