
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
60-120 Minuten
Frei ab 14 Jahre
Normalerweise spielen bei einem Dungeon-Spiel immer alle Spieler gegen den Dungeonmaster, hier ist das ganze umgekehrt. Ein Spieler kämpft gegen alle anderen Spieler (Dungeonmaster).
Alone is a sci-fi survival horror / dungeon crawler game that will put a single, stranded hero against 1-3 evil masterminds who will do their best to stop him from completing his quest to discover the truth and save his companions.
The Evil players always have the full map of the scenario in front of them, hidden behind a huge screen. They will manage all the events happening during the game, and try to stop the Hero from completing his objectives.
The Hero can only see the Sector of the map he is in, and from there he will have to explore the map. All kind of horrors may be hiding in the darkness, so he will have to be cautious. At the end of each round, the portions of the map he explored will be removed from the table: only the Sector he is in will stay visible... the Hero will have to put his memory to test, if he doesn't want to get lost!
The story of the game will be unfolded through several scenarios, each one divided into several chapters. Each chapter has an objective for the Hero to complete, while the Evil players will have to stop him (or try to fulfill a different objective of their own). The outcome of each chapter will influence the gameplay of the subsequent one: each scenario is conceived with a branching storyline that can adapt to the actions of the players: if the Hero completes his goals, his life will be easier in the next chapter... but that is also true for the Evil players!
Video: Spielwarenmesse 2018: Update zu Alone (Horrible Games) / Essen 2018
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