Datensatz vom 19.09.2012
Hot Wheels Apptivity
Anzahl der Spieler:
1 Spieler
Frei ab 0 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
Essen 2012 Neuheit: Apptivity - Es wird Zeit für Apps (Mattel)
Essen 2012 Neuheit: Apptivity - Es wird Zeit für Apps (Mattel) from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
Hot Wheels iCars APPtivity Collection: For the first time ever, kids can use a real-life, 1:64 scale Hot Wheels car on their iPad. The revolutionary tech 2.0 Hot Wheels APPtivity collection gives kids the ability to blend physical and digital play into one immersive experience at the Hot Wheels Test Facility. Mom and dad need not worry - the specially designed Active Touch anti-scratch technology on the vehicle ensures iPad screen surfaces go unscathed. To get started, simply download the free Hot Wheels APPtivity app from the iTunes store, tap on the app, place your vehicle on the screen and you’re ready to race. The special Active Touch technology integrated in the vehicle interacts with the app letting kids customize their driving style, swerve past obstacles or just cut loose and burn rubber around the race track. With three included games, kids will have a blast racing Hot Wheels cars on their iPad. Challenge one, a search and blast game lets kids equip their Team Hot Wheels vehicle with blasters while racing to seek out enemy vehicles. The long jump game lets kids race and ramp their vehicle over obstacles including cities as they try and stay in the air as long as they can. The last challenge is a race circuit game where kids can feel what it’s like to drift and drive a Hot Wheels vehicle in a competitive racing environment. Set includes one 1:64 scale Hot Wheels APPtivity vehicle.
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Aktuelle News
Essen 2012 Neuheit: Apptivity - Es wird Zeit für Apps (Mattel)
Nachricht von 21:24 Uhr, Jörg, - KommentareCliquenabend schaut auch einmal gerne auf technische Spielereien und da dürfen natürlich auch Apps oder wie es bei Mattel heiß, Apptivity nicht fehlen. Die Neuheiten stellen wir euch... ...