Datensatz vom 19.10.2017
Cutie Race
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 5 Spieler
30-40 Minuten
Frei ab 6 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
Please, ready your vehicle, "Cutie Race" is about to start!
Wait, you're still don't know what the “Cutie Race“ is?
In this spectacular competition Cuties will try to find out, who is the fastest, smartest and dexterous one. But no, this is not your ordinary race! Fans must help Cuties by lots different gadgets and… feed them with donuts. Because Cuties loooove donuts!
Cutie Race is a fast-playing family style game, where each player tries to win by bidding the most on the winner of the race, but each bid the player will make will slow down his candidate. Moreover, everybody bids in secret at the beginning of each round and can use special bonuses to spice the game up! But a player must be careful in spending his resources, as he has only 3 chips per round (each is double-sided and can be used as a bid or as a bonus). The game ends in the round, where the finish line was crossed by one of the cuties and the player with the biggest bid on it wins!
Dies ist ein Spiel-Datensatz. Bislang wurde noch kein ausführlicher Spieltest hinterlegt.Bilder
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