Datensatz vom 29.09.2015
Los Aprendices
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
30-60 Minuten
Frei ab 10 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
You're now part of the School of High Alchemy, but you still have a long path ahead of you, a path that can lead to wisdom, yet a path which is laden with pitfalls and threats that will test you in ways that you can't even imagine. Work hard. Learn to control the elements. Study each recipe and combination, no matter how impossible they may seem. Face your worst fears. And trust fortune as well because it's wise to admit that not everything is in your hands. That's the only true way to become an alchemist.
In each turn of Los Aprendices, players throw all their dice at the same time to get resources. With these resources, they place their tokens in one or more of the six boards on the table, and on these boards they can get abilities or knowledge (depending on the area the player wants to develop). The game is all about gaining resources, using the abilities to transform them into other resources (or multiply them), and rising in the different boards to gain as much knowledge as possible. When a player has more than 42 victory points, that triggers the last round, then whoever has the most points wins.
Your knowledge and intelligence will be the key to your becoming the next alchemist!
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