
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
45 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
Video: Essen 2014: RoboRama (PLAYTHISONE)
Essen 2014: RoboRama (PLAYTHISONE) from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
Each player has a set of cards that is used to direct the robots around the arena. The number of gear wheels on the card determines how many fields your robot should move. Used robot cards are temporarily lost. You can get them back by playing your chip card or by moving your robots to the appropriate fields. Therefore you are constantly looking for the best combination of cards and routes. During the race you are hindered by the robots of your opponent(s) and you can block their robots. You win the game by being the first to have all four of your robots on the finish fields of the same color.
RoboRama can be played in three different ways. You start with the basic program. When you have mastered this, the second program will offer new tactical challenges with the special robot cards on the backside of the cards. The third program allows for more interaction by the introduction of the ChaosBot. Are you looking for even more variety, aside from these three exciting programs? Then you can always experiment with the variations at the end of this instruction manual.
Video: Essen 2014: RoboRama (PLAYTHISONE)
Essen 2014: RoboRama (PLAYTHISONE) from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
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Essen 2014: RoboRama (PLAYTHISONE)

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