Datensatz vom 31.08.2018
Ancient World Multi Game System
Anzahl der Spieler:
1 bis 12 Spieler
10-60 Minuten
Frei ab 6 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
The Ancient World Multi Game System is more than just a collection of games. It is a library & design system with 25 social abstract games, including short competitive, team competitive, or co-operative tile games for many players. The discussion, bluffing, changing alliances and co-operation are essential to get ahead. These are not just your brain burning, logical battles between two silent and concentrated players.
Chess, Latrunculli, and traditional Seega are strategic battles between two minds with nothing is left to chance and everything is open in plain sight on the battle field. The greatest mind will prevail through skillful use of his forces. Words are not spoken and only detract from victory. The real world has chance and luck, secrecy and concealment which makes Journey Stones and King’s Ransom so much fun. More than two are usually involved in real life, so most of the social abstract games allow four or more to play. The rich relationships between many players, with shifting allegiances or when facing a common challenge are memorable. In set to play for Stella, Inuit, ILIOS or Assyria, “may keep them hidden from other players”, means you may work together with some players and show your tiles, build trust and enhance cooperation! It’s not enough to use your strategic skill and
not open your mouth! Assyria and Dream Lands rely solely on persuasion and verbal skills.
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