

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler

45 Minuten

Frei ab 12 Jahre

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Are you a smart gambler? Show off your skills in this strategic and nerve-racking card game in which you visit the world’s most famous casinos to become CHipleader. Your goal is to collecht as many of the valuable chips as you can, and to protect them from your opponents’attacks. Remember that a solid defence is sometimes the best form of attack.

The one place on Earth where lady luck truly smiles at you is the casino. The Odynauts decided to take the gamble, and spread out to the foremost gambling cities on our planet. From Macau to Monte Carlo and from Las Vegas to Amsterdam. They turned the casinos upside down and won at every game the casinos have on offer. Slot machines were cleaned out and poker tournaments were won. The casino bosses were not amused and quickly banned the Odynauts from their casinos. To still their voracious appetite for winning, the Odynauts have made their own casino game. Casino chips are bitten into pieces and slotmachines are stolen. All these well-known items from the casino form the basis of new and unique game: Chipleader. The Odynauts challenge you. Are you brave enough to accept their challenge? Are you a smart gambler and do you have the strategic insight to score the most points in putting casino chips back together? Can you protect your chips from your opponents’ attacks?




Brettspiele News

Dienstag 29.01.2013

Essen 2012 Neuheit: Chipleader (Odynaut Game Company)

Nachricht von 20:17 Uhr, Jörg, - Kommentare

Das Spiel stellen wir euch auf dt./engl. vor, viel Spaß! Offizielle Infos: Are you a smart gambler? Show off your skills in this strategic and nerve-racking card game in which you visit... ...

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