
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 5 Spieler
10-15 Minuten
Frei ab 6 Jahre
Video: Essen 2016 Video: Mythe (Ludicreations)
Essen 2016 Video: Mythe (Ludicreations) from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
Neuauflage des Spiels Mythe, welches 2012 in einer Kleinstauflage in Japan veröffentlicht wurde.
Fight the dragon and save the princess.
Players are brave mice heroes trying to rescue the princess mouse from the evil dragon who has taken over the Princess's castle. Leaving their safe home behind, they must obtain a sword or the shield, and traverse the dangerous journey to the dragon's lair. Mice that are not careful will be turned into stone, or zapped by lightning or another horrific danger awaits. But in order to continue on your journey you must gain experience. If you don't have enough experience you will be left behind. Only the bravest of hearts will survive.
The Japanese name of the game is : マイス otherwise pronounced as Mice, and these are the cute little creatures trying to rescue the princess.
This unique game has a 3D popup game board as the terrain.
Video: Essen 2016 Video: Mythe (Ludicreations)
Essen 2016 Video: Mythe (Ludicreations) from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
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Essen 2016 Video: Mythe (Ludicreations)

Mythe erschien im Jahre 2012 in einer Kleinauflage in Japan. Der finnische Verlag LudiCreations hat das Spiel entdeckt und bringt es nun nach Europa. Um was es in dem kleinen "Can't Stop"-Kartenspiel...