
- Tey Bartolome
- Georges Bouchelaghem
- Grafit Studios
- Hendry Iwanaga
- Agri Karuniawan
- Raph Lomotan
- Paul Mafayon
- Philippe Nouhra
- Andreas Rocha
- Brian Valeza
- Deckbauspiele
- Verschiedene Spielereigenschaften
- Gebietsbewegung
- Aktionspunkte
- Handmanagement
- Modulares Brett
Anzahl der Spieler:
1 bis 4 Spieler
90-120 Minuten
Frei ab 14 Jahre
In Monumental, each player will control a civilization that will evolve through his city: a grid of 3x3 cards (coming our from the player's starting civilization deck) that can each be activated to gather various resources such as Science, Military, Production, Culture, and Gold that will allow to trigger many actions. But there’s a trick: one cannot activate all his cards at once, which means that tough choices will have to be made each turn in order to select the cards that are the most needed.
The resources gathered from the activated city cards will allow the players to acquire cards from a common pool of cards, allowing them to get improved buildings, technologies, wonders, etc. and therefore to leverage their civilization deck to new heights through more and more efficient card combos. As the common pool of cards progress (either as players have acquired cards or because they didn't - which leads to one card from the pool to be discarded per turn), the game progresses through eras. Medieval cards are better than classical cards, and industrial cards even better, but of course those cards are more and more expensive to acquire.
A modular board, at the center of the table, holds each civilization's army. The board is made of Provinces to be conquered. Unoccupied Province's inhabitants are barbarians who will provide resources to the player who will defeat them. Holding a conquered province also bring victory points.
The player with the most impressive civilization at the end of the game will be remembered for all time (and they also win the game!).
2 Ähnliche Spiele
Brettspiele News
Monumental (Funforge) / Essen 2018

Monumental wurde vor 6 Monate auf Kickstarter gestartet und hatte hier erstmal keinen Erfolg. Das lag an verschiedenen Dingen und der Verlag hat das Spiel und die Finanzierungsart nochmal überarbeitet....
Monumental von Funforge erneut bei Kickstarter
Nachricht von 16:58 Uhr, Marco, - Kommentare
Seit ein paar Wochen wird das große Zivilizationsspiel Monumental erneut bei Kickstarter finanziert. Ursprünglich sollte das Spiel bereits im vergangenen März auf Kickstarter finanziert...
Monumental: The Board Game startet heute auf Kickstarter
Nachricht von 13:05 Uhr, Marco, 2 Kommentare
Heute Abend um 20 Uhr ist es endlich soweit - das neue Brettspiel Monumental von Matthew Dunstan startet auf Kickstarter! Der Brite Dunstan hat bereits in der Vergangenheit mehrere Spiele veröffentlicht,...