Going Around The City

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
20-30 Minuten
Frei ab 4 Jahre
Video: Going Around the City (TBD / Kang Hsuan Educational Publishing Corp) / Essen 2018
You are traveling around the city by using transportation cards to visiting a variety of attractions. The earlier you can get to an attraction, the more victory points you can get. But be carful not going too far in case you don't have the correct transportation card to get you back on the route!
Going Around the City is a play-card-and-move game that challenges young gamers to carefully plan their movement based on their hand cards and the route they want to travel. The game ends when someone has placed all six of their player tokens on the board and the player with the most points wins!
Video: Going Around the City (TBD / Kang Hsuan Educational Publishing Corp) / Essen 2018
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