Vorstellung vom 03.12.2012
Video: Essen 2012 Neuheit: Aztlán (Ares Games / Heidelberger Spieleverlag)
Auf dt./engl. stellen wir euch das Spiel vor.
Anbei die offiziellen Infos:
Aztlán is a strategy game with bluffing and challenging mechanisms set in the mythical land of Aztlán, ancestral home of the Nahuatl (Aztec) people. In Aztlán, four tribes strive to survive and prosper, under the scrutiny of the Aztec Gods themselves.
The game develops during five different epochs, each one divided into four phases. Players try to conquer the largest realm, using an intriguing and highly interactive mechanism. In each epoch, the tribes have uneven and secret strengths, so the players' strategy must be based on intuition and bluff.
When winning a conflict, you are faced with the difficult choice between eliminating your enemies, or deciding to co-exist with them. Peaceful co-existence brings the opportunity to develop your own civilization and gain future advantages, but can you trust your opponent?
Anbei die offiziellen Infos:
Aztlán is a strategy game with bluffing and challenging mechanisms set in the mythical land of Aztlán, ancestral home of the Nahuatl (Aztec) people. In Aztlán, four tribes strive to survive and prosper, under the scrutiny of the Aztec Gods themselves.
The game develops during five different epochs, each one divided into four phases. Players try to conquer the largest realm, using an intriguing and highly interactive mechanism. In each epoch, the tribes have uneven and secret strengths, so the players' strategy must be based on intuition and bluff.
When winning a conflict, you are faced with the difficult choice between eliminating your enemies, or deciding to co-exist with them. Peaceful co-existence brings the opportunity to develop your own civilization and gain future advantages, but can you trust your opponent?
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