Vorstellung vom 18.11.2014
Video: Essen 2014: Vorstellung von Quatermaster General (Griggling Games bzw. Schwerkraft)
Weiter geht es mit Quartermaster General, zu dem es bei uns (Quelle: BBG) nachfolgende Infos gibt. Jetzt wollen wir euch das Spiel natürlich auch einmal in Kürze vorstellen. Viel Spaß!
Quartermaster General is a fast-paced game that puts you in command of the major powers of the Second World War. In the game, supply is crucial to keep your armies and navies fighting; destroy your enemies' supply lines and their forces will surrender!
During play, you control one or more countries on either the Axis or Allied team and try to score as many victory points (VPs) for your team as you can through the use of cards or by occupying the starred supply spaces. Each major power has a unique set of cards with which to marshal its forces, which are represented by wooden army and navy pieces. After twenty rounds of play, the team with the most VPs wins. (Quelle: BGG)
Quartermaster General is a fast-paced game that puts you in command of the major powers of the Second World War. In the game, supply is crucial to keep your armies and navies fighting; destroy your enemies' supply lines and their forces will surrender!
During play, you control one or more countries on either the Axis or Allied team and try to score as many victory points (VPs) for your team as you can through the use of cards or by occupying the starred supply spaces. Each major power has a unique set of cards with which to marshal its forces, which are represented by wooden army and navy pieces. After twenty rounds of play, the team with the most VPs wins. (Quelle: BGG)
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