Vorstellung vom 22.12.2012
Video: Essen 2012 Neuheit: Wild Fun West (NSKN Legendary Games)
Auch dieses Spiel stellen wir Euch auf dt./engl. vor, viel Spaß!
offizielle Infos:
In the card game Wild Fun West, players strive to build a small town in the American Wild West, bidding every turn for the building of their choice, be it a Post Office, a Saloon or a Jailhouse. The goal of every player is to construct four out of the six buildings listed on his objective card.
Each turn, players receive money from their professions, then use the money to bid for new professions and to cast votes on the buildings to be added to town. The professions employed by a player influence the income of that player as well as the income of the player on his left, making the game fun and unpredictable. Every profession has up to 4 abilities, banning other professions from the game, adding a bonus for bidding on a specific building and providing extra income if some specific building/profession card is in the game.
There are 12 Character cards from which the players can choose, each with a special ability, adding to the game diversity.
The game ends as soon as the town includes four or more of the buildings listed on a player's objective card, that player being the winner of the game.
offizielle Infos:
In the card game Wild Fun West, players strive to build a small town in the American Wild West, bidding every turn for the building of their choice, be it a Post Office, a Saloon or a Jailhouse. The goal of every player is to construct four out of the six buildings listed on his objective card.
Each turn, players receive money from their professions, then use the money to bid for new professions and to cast votes on the buildings to be added to town. The professions employed by a player influence the income of that player as well as the income of the player on his left, making the game fun and unpredictable. Every profession has up to 4 abilities, banning other professions from the game, adding a bonus for bidding on a specific building and providing extra income if some specific building/profession card is in the game.
There are 12 Character cards from which the players can choose, each with a special ability, adding to the game diversity.
The game ends as soon as the town includes four or more of the buildings listed on a player's objective card, that player being the winner of the game.
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