Vorstellung vom 21.11.2012
Video: Essen 2012 Neuheit: Oddville (What's your game? / Hutter Trade)
Auch in diesem Video stellen wir Euch die Abläufe auf engl./dt. vor, viel Spaß.
weitere Infos:
Four powerful guilds hired you to build the city of Oddville. Serving the guilds will let you gain their favor, giving you power and fame, but pay attention: Some more loyal architects can make the guilds change their mind and act to their advantage.
Oddville is a card-based city-building game in which all actions are carried out by playing one of the four Actions Cards. Each Action card has a different power and can be used in different ways: to get one of the six buildings available in the project area, to produce the necessary materials to erect a building, or to collect gold. You can rest for one round to get back all the action cards that you have already played, or to use your materials to erect a building in Oddville. And if you are able to connect it to existing buildings with roads, you will gain extra building materials.
Oddville city grows with the contribution of all players, changing the value of players€™ buildings. As soon as a player builds his seventh building, the game ends and the player with the most points wins.
weitere Infos:
Four powerful guilds hired you to build the city of Oddville. Serving the guilds will let you gain their favor, giving you power and fame, but pay attention: Some more loyal architects can make the guilds change their mind and act to their advantage.
Oddville is a card-based city-building game in which all actions are carried out by playing one of the four Actions Cards. Each Action card has a different power and can be used in different ways: to get one of the six buildings available in the project area, to produce the necessary materials to erect a building, or to collect gold. You can rest for one round to get back all the action cards that you have already played, or to use your materials to erect a building in Oddville. And if you are able to connect it to existing buildings with roads, you will gain extra building materials.
Oddville city grows with the contribution of all players, changing the value of players€™ buildings. As soon as a player builds his seventh building, the game ends and the player with the most points wins.
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