Vorschau vom 22.03.2013
Video: Nürnberg 2013: Ghooost (iello) - Essen 2013
In Nürnberg waren wir auch bei iello. Allerdings standen hier die Tische in sehr ungünstigem Licht und so sind die Videoaufnahmen leider ziemlich Lichtreflexbezogen. Davon lassen wir uns aber nicht abhalten und so haben wir für euch die Karten aber separat eingeblendet :-) Viel Spaß!
Offizielle Infos
Ghooost! is a fast, easy-to-learn card game for the whole family, with a Halloween-based theme and lots of twists and turns!
Play your cards wisely to get rid of all the ghosts, undead, vampires, zombies and other spooky creatures haunting your manor. Block your opponents while they're trying to drive spirits out of their home and into your backyard – but beware as the scariest ghosts will not be driven away so easily...
Offizielle Infos
Ghooost! is a fast, easy-to-learn card game for the whole family, with a Halloween-based theme and lots of twists and turns!
Play your cards wisely to get rid of all the ghosts, undead, vampires, zombies and other spooky creatures haunting your manor. Block your opponents while they're trying to drive spirits out of their home and into your backyard – but beware as the scariest ghosts will not be driven away so easily...
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