Vorstellung vom 18.11.2014
Video: Essen 2014: Vorstellung von War Stories - Liberty Road (Conquistador Games / Schwerkraft)
Auch diese Spiel, welches insbesondere Heikos Herz (nicht zu hören im Video :-) ) schneller schlagen lässt wollen wir euch in diesem Video präsentieren. Die Abläufe klingen interessant und spannend, also schaut mal rein.
Infos zum Spiel:
War Stories combines the best of miniature gaming with the best of board gaming to create a fast-playing, rewardingly deep tactical battle system with wooden blocks — and optional museum-quality vehicle miniatures. Easy to learn for the casual gamer and difficult to master for the die hard wargamer, pushing infantry and gorgeous tanks around the board has never been this much fun! Liberty Road, the second entry in the War Stories series, features twenty scenarios chronicling the liberation of Europe by the Western Allies during World War II — from the beaches of Normandy to the Battle of the Bulge — Liberty Road puts glorious Shermans, Panthers, King Tigers and many more high-quality pre-painted miniatures at your disposal to achieve your objectives and outfight your opponent.
Infos zum Spiel:
War Stories combines the best of miniature gaming with the best of board gaming to create a fast-playing, rewardingly deep tactical battle system with wooden blocks — and optional museum-quality vehicle miniatures. Easy to learn for the casual gamer and difficult to master for the die hard wargamer, pushing infantry and gorgeous tanks around the board has never been this much fun! Liberty Road, the second entry in the War Stories series, features twenty scenarios chronicling the liberation of Europe by the Western Allies during World War II — from the beaches of Normandy to the Battle of the Bulge — Liberty Road puts glorious Shermans, Panthers, King Tigers and many more high-quality pre-painted miniatures at your disposal to achieve your objectives and outfight your opponent.
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