Vorstellung vom 18.11.2012
Video: Essen 2012 Neuheit: CLASH: Jihad vs. McWorld (Diablos Polacos)
Die Neuheit stellen wir euch auf engl./dt. vor, viel Spaß.
Weitere Infos:
CLASH: Jihad vs. McWorld is a two-player logic game. Both players start the game with a set of seven tiles. During the game, they can also use five neutral tiles, randomly selected from a stack of 17, which adds variation to each game. Each tile shows a different Person/Event and has a different power. The players take turns placing tiles on the 3x3 square playing board. Each tile placed will either turn, destroy, or move one or more of the tiles already on the board. Whoever has the most tiles facing in his direction when all nine squares of the board are filled wins.
Weitere Infos:
CLASH: Jihad vs. McWorld is a two-player logic game. Both players start the game with a set of seven tiles. During the game, they can also use five neutral tiles, randomly selected from a stack of 17, which adds variation to each game. Each tile shows a different Person/Event and has a different power. The players take turns placing tiles on the 3x3 square playing board. Each tile placed will either turn, destroy, or move one or more of the tiles already on the board. Whoever has the most tiles facing in his direction when all nine squares of the board are filled wins.
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