Daedalus' Maze

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
30 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
A highly addictive and adventurous game which requires ingenuity and strategic skills.
Get the treasure first and exit the Maze with it!
Beware of the the spinning traps of the Maze and your opponents! They might take the treasure from you and win the game!
A constantly changing game due to the spinning mechanism and the numerous cards, which provide unlimited diversity, challenge and joy!
The game is a circular spinning maze. The maze is divided in a number of circular zones which end up at the center of the maze, the treasure chamber.
Each player picks 6 pawns of the same color, 1 "Gods & Heroes" card and 5 "Events" cards. Initially, 4 pawns of each player are placed at the first (outer) zone of the maze.
Each turn is comprised of four steps:
- The first player uses his cards
- Then, he moves his pawns
- The other players do the same moves one by one, according to the game order sequence which is defined by the "Gods & Heroes Cards"
- When all the players have done their moves, the walls of the maze are rotated one step and the layout out the maze changes radically.
- The pawns can move peripherally, towards or away the center of the maze, but only one step (field) at a time, unless otherwise indicated by the cards.
- The "Gods & Heroes" cards give a specific ability to each player that can be used in each turn throughout the game. The "Events" cards describe certain actions, but when their effect is accomplished they are discarded from the game.
- The "Beast" card is triggered when the treasure is picked by a pawn from the Treasure chamber. This card has an effect that may change the game scenario and lasts thereafter, until the end of the game.
Object of the game is to claim the treasure with one of your pawns and escape from the maze with it.
This is not as easy as it seems though! The mazes walls are impossible to pass and as they are rotating, your pawns may get trapped and be killed! The Beast which lurks about may overturn the game! Your opponents are also trying to block you, steal the treasure from you and escape the maze with it!
Can you face the secret dangers of the maze and be the winner?