Datensatz vom 12.10.2020
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 5 Spieler
30 - 45 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
A roll-and-discard game for 2-5 players from age 8.
Players place 24 cards with numbers 1 to 6 - 4 of each number - in 6 stacks in front of themselves. Their aim is to get rid of all cards as soon as possible. To do so, each player takes 5 cards in her/his hand, then the three dice are thrown. The pips and colour shown by the dice now offer possibilities for the players to discard some of their cards („abspecken“), or they imply restrictions, depending on the combination of the 5 cards a player holds in her/his hand. So the players need to do some deduction to keep their chances for winning the game.
As soon as one player got rid of all of his 24 cards the game round is over. The players who still have cards collect minus points. The game ends as soon as one of the players has collected 33 minus points in total.
ABspecken is an easy-to-start family game which implies some challenges in combination and a certain proportion of good or bad luck.
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