Geo Facts

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 6 Spieler
15-45 Minuten
Frei ab 12 Jahre
Geo Facts is an entertaining, instructive and easily transportable guessing game for 2-6 players, aged 12 years and up, with a playing time of approximately 30 minutes.
Is Mount Blanc actually higher than Mount Vinson in Antarctica? And how far is the distance from K2 to Mount Everest? When was the first ascent to the top of Mount Kilimanjaro? How far must you descend from the Matterhorn to get to the next-highest mountain? Which is longer: the Nile or the Amazon? And which of these two rivers has a larger drainage basin? Which lake has the largest volume world-wide and which one is the deepest? These and other questions about the world's major mountains, rivers and lakes have to be estimated in the 12 categories of Geo Facts.
By using different jokers, additional excitement, entertainment and tactics come into play. Another special feature of Geo Facts is its internationality. Via translations of all terms into five languages, global topics and the frequent use of symbols, Geo Facts overcomes the usual focus of quiz games on just one language and culture. Moreover, the game cards contain impressive photographs of different landscapes.