Strike Dice & The Portkey of Chaos (Vermutlich erst 2014!!)

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
20 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
The game here consists of 3 Phases: In each Phase you draw in order 3 Creature Cards. Place the cards on the triangle bases of the board according to which attribute they represent. The creatures carry 2 different numbers: The left number indicates the strength and the right number the Bonus you receive when you kill a Creature. To destroy a Creature you must roll a number with your Pawndie higher from the one which represents his Strength and place it on the opposite Tribase where this Creature is located. When you do that, you draw as many Tricards as the Bonus number this Creature caries on his right side. You keep these cards and you may use them as you wish. Note: The Rules of the Basic Game Apply here too, the only difference is that the Creatures add new elements in the game. You also keep and the Creature you killed since it counts as part of the collected cards. The player with the most cards in the end of 3rd round is the winner.
The Basic Strike Dice Game consists of 8 Basic Triangle Cards which carry the Attributes of the Creatures you will meet in the Expansion. These Attributes are also part of the Triangle Bases of the Arena (Gameboard). Next, you will find 32 Pyramid Dice of different color, 8 per player. In the same basic pack you will find and the Strike Dice Expansion: Portkey of Chaos consisting of the 9 Creatures plus the New Rules.