Epic Wars

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
60-180 Minuten
Frei ab 13 Jahre
Epic Wars is a modular and expandable tile exploration and miniatures skirmish game set in the "Classic" Fantasy genre, with multiple game types and solo, co-op, and pvp modes.
Miniatures Skirmish - PVP mode:
Traditional tabletop miniatures battle game that can be played on your existing terrain, or on our Wilderness Tiles (sold separately). Each mini will have a stat card with abilities, and players will have event/action cards they can play on their turn. Each mini has an initiative and turns alternate by each individual mini, and NOT by entire squad. Squads are formed by a point system where each squad has a "point pool" and each mini has a cost.
Miniatures Skirmish - Solo, and Co-Op modes:
Similar to PVP mode with additional movement and "AI" rules (still being tweaked), to allow play against "the game". The player(s) will determine enemy squad size (point pool), and scenario prior to starting.
Tile Exploration - Solo and Co-Op modes:
A traditional dungeon tile exploration game with a few differences. Epic Wars will not only have collectable enemies cards with different levels of rarity (different stats, XP, and rewards), but all the dungeon tiles, event cards, treasure cards, trap cards, etc... will have different levels. Players will determine if they want to "free play" or if they want to use a set scenario with different objectives to complete.
And while the "wilderness tiles" are sold separately, we will be including the "dungeon tiles" in the core game. The main reason for this is many people that play tabletop skirmish games probably already have terrain of some sort, while few will already have dungeon tiles.
I'm sure this write-up has raised more questions than answered. Our goal is to maximize depth and re-playability. There is nothing worse than getting a game you are excited for and end up playing once or twice because it has the depth of a melted ice cube. Epic Wars is all about expandability and customization. And depending on your luck with the card draws and dice rolls, you could have a wipe after 5 minutes, or an Epic War lasting all day.
At this time we are still early in design and all elements are subject to change. Please send me messages and check our website for updates. Follow us and spread the word.