Four's Not Enough: Fairy Party!
airies love parties.
However, they never host it themselves. It's a hassle for them to send out invitations and arrange a hall for it. This is where you come in!
You set up the party for them and in return receive "Sparkles".
But be careful! Don't start the party until all the fairies have gathered. If you try to start the party prematurely, you'll put the fairies in a bad mood!
The player is helping fairies and in return receiving Sparkles. The player will play fairies (cards from value 0-3) to party halls face down. If you think you've gathered 5 or more fairies, give the order and start the party.
If a player has gathered 15 or more chips (sparkles), the game ends. At that point, the player with the most chips is the winner.