Datensatz vom 23.08.2012
Ground Floor
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 6 Spieler
90 Minuten
Frei ab 12 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
The day has come. The paperwork is complete, the registration filed, and the business cards purchased – you're open for business! So now what? Where do you spend your time? Where do you spend your money? Which tasks are most important? What should take priority? Should you hire new employees? Or maybe invest in a marketing campaign? These are just some of the decisions facing you as a fresh entrepreneur who dreams of running a successful business. You must excel at balancing your time, money and staff because all are scarce and all are required to thrive.
So barter with your fellow colleagues, manage your staff, collect information, expand your office, or schedule your next product shipment. It's up to you – after all, it's your business. Of course, no matter which route you decide to take to reach that corner office at the top of the tallest skyscraper, you must start with everyone else...
...on the Ground Floor!
Over the course of the game, you will:
- Convert your employees' time into info, money and results.
- Adapt to changing economic conditions and brace for what's ahead.
- Produce, promote and sell your goods in the marketplace.
- Build your company brand through marketing campaigns.
- Challenge other players' enterprises for success and prestige.
- Grow your business and build your high-rise!
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