Queen Strike

Anzahl der Spieler:
1 bis 4 Spieler
15-45 Minuten
Frei ab 3 Jahre
Video: Essen 2016: Queen Strike (HoPLAY)
Essen 2016: Queen Strike (HoPLAY) from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
HoPLAY Queen Strike combines 3D holographic display with traditional boardgame to bring you a brand new and exciting interactive experience. As little heroes of the "Music Kingdom", your quest is to collect musical notes in the kingdom and complete the fabled “Rainbow Score”. Begin your adventure from one of the four starting points. Overcome treacherous traps set by the “Queen of Hearts” as she seeks discord! Roll the dice, explore different areas, and thwart the queen’s plan by defeating her guards. Get to the castle, undo the queen's magic spell, and save the kingdom!
HoPLAY Queen Strike is a co-operatie game. Players take turns to roll the movement dice and move their Hero pawn along the game map to collect the musical notes. They might encounter the Queen's guard and enter the "combat mode" displayed in the 3D holographic platform (driven by a game app on player's own tablet), in which players need to use their combat cards to defeat the guard (in a rock-paper-scissors system). Payers might also run into some event cards that bring them some surprise animated in the holographic movie. Once the players collect enough musical notes, they may challenge the Queen to win the game!
Video: Essen 2016: Queen Strike (HoPLAY)
Essen 2016: Queen Strike (HoPLAY) from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
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