Motley West

Anzahl der Spieler:
3 bis 6 Spieler
10 - 15 Minuten
Frei ab 7 Jahre
Motley West is a speed action and short-term memory game with a mix of two shapes and three colors. The deck includes two types of cards:
• Wanted Poster: Showing Cowboy hat with certain color or Scarf with certain color.
• Gang: Every gang wears cowboy hat and scarf. Some of them have shotgun.
- Shuffle all cards and distribute evenly to all players. All players hold their deck face down in front of them. Distribute 3 life tokens to everybody.
- Place the Sheriff badge Beep on the middle of the table.
- Each player reveals their card and hide the revealed card with their hand turn by turn.
- When a player thinks there are Wanted Poster and Corresponding Gang card among the top of each player's revealed card, hit the Sheriff badge. If they find the right 2 persons who have the matching Poster and Gang, take those 2 cards as points.
- If they find the matching poster and gang, but the gang has a shotgun, they lose 1 life token immediately.
The game is over when everybody run out of cards, check the bounty on the poster, number of gang captured and life token to decide the winner.
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