Melvin vs Kronk

Anzahl der Spieler:
3 bis 8 Spieler
10-15 Minuten
Frei ab 10 Jahre
Melvin Vs Kronk is a game of dexterity where players compete from precious gems. During the game, everyone gets face down cards with different face expressions of Melvin (the Geek) and Kronk (the Orc).
One by one, the players reveal one card from their deck placing it above any cards played by themselves previously. When cards from at least 2 players match, player race to slap the gem pile. Whoever does it first, takes two cards, chooses one and distribute the other one to whomever they want.
Also, the first player to slap the gem pile, will collect all cards played during that turn. If a player run out of cards, he will be eliminated from the game in the next round.
The game ends when either (1) the gem pile run out of cards or (2) there are only two players left in the game with cards. Players then reveal their gems and whomever scored more gems wins the game.