ESSEN: The Press Room

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 8 Spieler
45 Minuten
Frei ab 12 Jahre
ESSEN: The Press Room is one of the ESSEN bonus tiles
When playing with the bonus tiles, players have one additional action during the Action phase. By placing their player token next to the bonus tiles, a player is allowed to either place a bonus disc on to a tile, or move one disc from one tile to another. If a disc is moved away away from a track, all progress made on that track is lost.
The bonus tiles are all intended for games with at least 3 players.
When the players are using one or two bonus tiles, use 1 bonus disc per player.
When the players are using three or four bonus tiles, use 2 bonus discs per player.
ESSEN: The press room
In ESSEN, the local and international board game press comes to check out all the new games that publishers have. The publishers must visit the press room, and spend time to promote their games. However, the more crowded it is, the less attention they each get.
At the end of the game, the bonus points of the press room will be divided among the players with discs on the tile. Only 1 disc per player is allowed. If points can not be divided equally, any surplus points are lost.
For 3-4 players there are 4 spots available, and the total bonus is 12.
If 1 spot is taken at the end of the game, then that player will receive 12 bonus points.
If 2 spots are taken at the end of the game, then those two players each get 6 bonus points.
If 3 spots are taken at the end of the game, then those three players each get 4 bonus points.
If all 4 spots are taken at any point during the game, all discs are immediately removed.
With 5 players, one more spot is added, and the total bonus is 15.
With 6 players, one more spot is added, and the total bonus is 18.
With 7 players, one more spot is added, and the total bonus is 21.
With 8 players, one more spot is added, and the total bonus is 24.