The Minion Recipes

Anzahl der Spieler:
3 bis 6 Spieler
15-30 Minuten
Frei ab 14 Jahre
The Annual Alchemy Competition is taking place today! Gather the ingredient elements within the time limit, throw them into a magical pot, and create the minions written in the recipes. The one who has created many and powerful minions wins the competition!
The Minion Recipes takes place over five rounds, and in each round players draft both element cards and pot cards. When a player has a pot and the necessary elements to complete one of the recipes on display, they can stop the round in order to create the minion, possibly taking advantage of its special ability at the same time. Players can drop out of the round in the middle of a draft, throwing away the remaining cards instead of passing them, but they forfeit the ability to create a minion. Players can carry over three cards into the next round, giving them a head start toward a recipe, but everyone can see which recipes are available, so you'll still be racing to complete something before anyone else.