Fairy Tile


Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler

30 Minuten

Frei ab 8 Jahre

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Video vorstellung vom 24.02.2018
Video: Spielwarenmesse 2018: Fairy tile (Huch)


Welcome to Fairy Tile, a kingdom of magical lands where a daring Princess, a devoted Knight, and a dreadful Dragon roam looking for adventure. They need your help to discover the kingdom! Help them move further and further to fulfill their destiny and tell their story, page after page.

Develop the kingdom of Fairy Tile by putting new land tiles in play and moving the Princess, Knight, and Dragon across different places such as mountains, forests, and plains. Help them have extraordinary adventures by accomplishing objectives written on the pages of your book. As soon as you complete an objective, develop your story and read the page of your book aloud.

Be the first to read all the pages of your book to win the game.





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