Hyper Bloom
In Hyper Bloom, each player move his piece on the board to get magic power from board.
Then they install their magic circle on the place that they want to install on the board by using magic power.
Magic circles accelerate piece of their owner when the piece enter in them.
Accelarated piece by magic circle moves longer and can get more magic power.
Each player can move his piece longer and longer by entering in magic circles on the board, and get more and more magic power and magic circles.
Finally, the player who can move longer may get a lot of victory points on the board.
The players construct board by their magic circle to be able to move longer and efficiently to get a lot of victory points by game end.
Hyper Bloom is not a CCG, nor deck-building game.
It is a board-building game.
You can select 8 of the 20 special magic circle card types to include in any given play—leading to immense variety.