
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
60 Minuten
Frei ab 12 Jahre
Arcania is a war game for 2 to 4 players. Each player is one of the Arcanis, a powerful mage that is the ruler of its own Realm in Arcania.
As one of them, you'll use powerful spells, command troops, magic creatures and fleets of ships. Everything to win the race to conquer the lost Arcane Towers of the missing Zairon, the Last Maximus Arcani.
The object in Arcania is to conquer a certain number of areas, according to the number of players. Each player play his turn, which is divided in 4 phases:
1. Deploy
2. Movement
3. Battle
4. Dominion
1. Deploy: This is the phase where the active player can summon his units to the board from his supply. To do so, he need to spend power.
2. Movement: Here, the active player can move and use abilities from his unities already in the board. Each unity has a different power, and each Realm has different units.
3. Battle: If the active player moved to an already occupied hex by other player, there will be a battle. Each player sums all unities' strength in that hex and roll a die for additional strength. They compare strength and the loser must discard a unity from that hex. The battle goes on till only one player or none have presence in that hex.
4. Dominance: If the active player fulfilled the object of the game, then he is the winner. Otherwise, he just gain power according to the number of towers he has, and his turn ends and the next player plays.
This go on till someone emerge victorious from the war and claim the position of the Maximus Arcani, the ruler of Arcania!