Datensatz vom 28.09.2013
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 Spieler
45 Minuten
Frei ab 10 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
Volo, which was inspired by the beauty of birds flying in flocks, is an abstract game with placement, movement, connection, and territory elements.
Volo is played on an hexagonal board with 120 spaces. Each player in turn places a piece or moves one or more pieces (here called "birds") on the board and attempts to connect them all in one contiguous "flock". Birds may not be placed directly adjacent to other friendly birds and may only move (i.e. "fly") towards other birds if they enlarge an existing friendly flock. Flocks may never be split, so players are forced to add new birds to the game, and this is actually where the competition unfolds.
If an opponent's birds are isolated by the active player dividing the board in multiple regions through flock movement, the active player must remove trapped birds from the board, which usually benefits the opponent.
If a player ends up with one contiguous flock (of any size), he wins.
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