Fallen Frontiers

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 4 Spieler
60 Minuten
Frei ab 13 Jahre
In the universe of Fallen Frontiers different factions fight for control of both planets and their strategic resources in order to proliferate in a galaxy that holds lots of secrets. The players assume control of an army faction that can be shaped by choosing troops, characters, and cards that best adapt to their game style.
Fallen Frontiers is a battle game based on combat squads. The squads offer protection and firepower to the characters. Characters that are the ones that define the game style because their attributes change the characteristics of their squad. In this way, each squad acts differently depending on the character that leads them. However in Fallen Frontiers characters are not superheroes, they are weak and easy to eliminate when they are not with their squad.
Besides the miniatures that represent their army, players will also have a deck of cards assembled by them. Strategy is not revealed at the beginning of the game, as a player can secretly set up the deck of cards allowing them to change the game style in such a way that opponents will not be able to guess their strategy at first sight.
The factions and the cards use up resources to carry out certain actions. The main resources are moral and Krithium. Players gain moral by achieving targets and causing losses to their opponent's army while their army suffers as little as possible. Using moral points will make an army more powerful but will exhaust it in the process. Krithium is a resource that must be collected during the game. It is the source of energy that enhances a team's weapons and cards. The player will have an armory, a separate deck where the player purchases equipment, that can be used during the game and consumes Krithium. The contents of the armory is also set up by the player just like the deck of cards.