Datensatz vom 03.08.2016
Rangers: Champions of the Arena
Anzahl der Spieler:
2 Spieler
15-20 Minuten
Frei ab 14 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
It's better to let professionals draw the first blood...
Every year, all tribes gather for the Great Thing. Supervised by feared judges and in the face of ruthless deities, each and every person who feels harmed or wronged may prove their rights on the bloodied sands of the Arena of the Righteous. Such persons may challenge the alleged wrongdoer to single combat and seek retribution for any crime — or at least that's what the Ancient Law states.
Ragers: Champions of the Arena is a game of wits and bluff for two players. Each player becomes a head of a team of Ragers — powerful fighters who settle disputes between tribes during the Great Thing that lasts for three days. During the game, players play cards depicting brave warriors and representing different types of attacks and special actions. By doing so, they gain glory points (GPs) over three rounds of fighting, and whoever gains the most GPs becomes victorious.
Each day of the Great Thing is devoted to a different deity, and each day bloodthirsty spectators expect daring feats of strength and cunning, so the conditions of combat change constantly. It is up to players to choose the best strategy that will appease the crowd and enable them to outsmart their rival.
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