Sticky Chameleons


Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 5 Spieler

20 Minuten

Frei ab 6 Jahre

Bestellen bei:


Playing with sticky tongues has never been more fun than what you'll find in Sticky Chameleons!

Each player has a long sticky "tongue", and the table is covered with six types of insect tiles in six colors, along with a few fly tokens. To start a round, someone rolls the two dice — one showing a color, the other an insect — then everyone rushes to "grab" the appropriately colored insect tile by slapping it with their tongue. Tiles will go flying! The round doesn't end until someone removes the tile from their tongue and holds the tile in their hand. This player scores a point, then you do it all again. Whoever scores the predetermined number of points first wins!




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