Gray Eminence

2020 (Demo 2019)
Anzahl der Spieler:
3 bis 5 Spieler
60-90 Minuten
Frei ab 15 Jahre
Truth is what you make it to be.
An éminence grise (French pronunciation: [eminɑ̃s ɡʁiz]) or grey eminence is a powerful decision-maker or adviser who operates "behind the scenes" in a non-public and unofficial capacity. In this game the players adopt roles of the gray eminences working toward their own victory conditions. It's a game about intrigue, politics, bluffing and (questionable) morality.
In Gray Eminence players take the roles of powerful puppet masters in a modern world. Each puppet master uses money, power and influence to steer the course of various factions. They each have their own goals and motivations, some of which are common to all, but others are individual to each - and secret.
Gray Eminence does not pretend to observe political correctness or historical accuracy, but rather aims to induce discussion about the world we live in. If you find that you end up discussing more than today’s football results or weather while playing, that would already be a small success.
The winner of Gray Eminence is the person with most progress toward their winning conditions at the end of the game.