Datensatz vom 13.10.2020
Anzahl der Spieler:
1 bis 5 Spieler
60 - 90 Minuten
Frei ab 12 Jahre
0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen
Amulet is an exciting adventure where each player takes on a mantle of a monster hunter with five unique characters to choose from.
Players are tasked with stopping the forces of evil pouring out from the ruins of the dark castle. Every day players will have to visit various locations, obtaining skills and useful items, repairing their equipment, carrying out tasks and, of course, battling various monsters.
The ultimate goal is to rid the neighborhood of evil. The player who performs best at this task wins the game.
The game's events take place over several 'days' (rounds). Each day players move their characters' figures to various locations to perform available actions. Characters have their own unique sets of equipment:amulet, weapon and item tokens to be used against monsters in combat. The combat resembles a dynamic puzzle: players select weapons and items based on the monster's type, and this choice affects the chances of victory in the fight as well as potential spoils of war. Players gain Victory Points for defeating monsters and successfully carrying out tasks. Whoever obtains more VP by the end of the game becomes the winner.
Dies ist ein Spiel-Datensatz. Bislang wurde noch kein ausführlicher Spieltest hinterlegt.Bilder
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