Brettspiel Datensatz vom 09.10.2011

Dobutsu Shogi



Anzahl der Spieler:
2 Spieler

15 Minuten

Frei ab 4 Jahre

0/10 bei 0 Bewertungen

Aktuellen Preis prüfen:


A simple version of Shogi (Dōbutsu Shōgi = animal shogi).

Every player has just 4 pieces (Chick, giraffe, elephant and lion) and try to either catch the opponents lion or promote the lion to the other side. The board is just 3×4 squares, so its a rather short game, aimed for interesting kids in Shogi. But even if you are adults, it is enjoyable.

Interesting notes:

  • The giraffe moves like a rook, but limited to one-space movement.
  • The elephant moves like a bishop, but limited to one-space movement. (Interestingly, in XiangQi and Tamerlane Chess, the elephant moves precisely two spaces diagonally.)
  • The chick is directly analogous to the pawn/soldier of Shogi, promoting to a full-grown chicken, equivalent of the gold general in Shogi.
  • The lion is analogous to a king, except that he can win essentially by promoting, as long as it doesn't leave him in check.
  • Even on this 3×4 board, you are still able to drop in pieces that you captured from your opponent!
  • Unlike in Shogi, you can drop a chick for mate or have two chicks in a column.
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