Jushimatsu Egg Expansion

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 Spieler

5 Minuten

Frei ab 4 Jahre

Bestellen bei:

Jushimatsu: Egg Expansion adds eggs to the finches already present in Jushimatsu.

1 set of 10 Finch tiles (1 Four-finches, 2 Three-finches, 3 two-finches, 4 one-finch).
1 set of 5 Egg tiles (1 three-eggs, 2 two-eggs, 2 one-egg)

Number of Players
If you use this expansion with a basic Jushimatsu game for 2 players, you can play this game with up to 3 players.
If you have 2 different sets of basic Jushimatsu, you can play it up to 5 players.

Eggs are wild tiles. It was count as any color finch in the play.
At the preparing, each player get a egg tile secretly and enter it into the bag of his/her own without seeing with his/her all finch tiles.



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Samstag 27.09.2014

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Nachricht von 08:41 Uhr, Smuker, - Kommentare

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