Are you chicken?

Anzahl der Spieler:
2 bis 5 Spieler
10-20 Minuten
Frei ab 8 Jahre
Video: Essen 2016 Video: Are you chicken? (Japon Brand / GALLERY OUCH)
Essen 2016 Video: Are you chicken? (Japon Brand / GALLERY OUCH) from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
It’s a life and death race against your rivals!
The goal is to see who can run the closest to the cliff without going over.
If you go over, it’s game over for you!!!
It’s time to show them who’s chicken!!
Each Player takes 1 card from the DRAW pile and lines it up in front of themselves
to form the Chicken Road.
Comparing the TOTAL COUNT stated on the cards with other players' determines
the outcome of a game.
The player who gets most number of cards lined up with the TOTAL COUNT stated
on the card less than 5 wins the round and scores points.
The first player to get to 20 points wins the overall game.
Video: Essen 2016 Video: Are you chicken? (Japon Brand / GALLERY OUCH)
Essen 2016 Video: Are you chicken? (Japon Brand / GALLERY OUCH) from Cliquenabend on Vimeo.
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Essen 2016 Video: Are you chicken? (Japon Brand / GALLERY OUCH)

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